The season of PUMPKIN everything is about to die down, and we're headed into Eggnog time, christmas cheer and time to give gifts. Fall is quite possibly the most beautiful season change with all the colors, and the leaves falling, and the excitement for littles to dress up for halloween. BUT hands down my FAVORITE time of year is Winter. The silent snow that falls, and the magic of the pure white, peaceful, crisp scenery brings a warmth to my soul no other season touches. The happiness on kids faces when they KNOW Santa will be coming soon, the Snowmen they build, and the lights on house tops at night light up the grin from ear to ear. This is just another thing I can not wait for in Washington.

Since Thanksgiving is literally just around the corner, I'll give you what I'm thankful for. These two kiddos right here! Madison, and Christian. 10 and 2. BOTH a handful, but light up my life, as well as many others. Madison does a lot of work in my personal life. Makes me grow in a whole. To adding more patience to my life, to teaching me how to fight for her medically, and educationally. She's a reason behind my desire for nursing. I've spent a lot of hours in hospitals, learning about procedures, medicines, and diagnoses. I adore her smile, and she has the most joyful soul that would bring anyone to tears.
Christian is by far the most dangerous child I know. He's so fearless, so rough, and UBER clever for his age. He knows how to change an attitude so fast, as well as change the mood in any room. He throws fits like a champ, loves chocolate, helicopters, and Semi-trucks. ALL B.O.Y. Since he's still developing his personality and growing, I just pray every day that my husband and I raise him to be a good, honest, hardworking man who loves Jesus, and has a respect for people in a whole.
Okay, okay i'm sure you're DYING to know how to make this delish photo below! I tasted it this morning, and its like heaven! I would go amazing on toast, ezekiel bread, bagels, or even make a YUMMY filler for homemade cinnamon rolls with a coconut cream frosting all over the top!

Here's what you'll need:
3/4 cup Raw Almonds
3/4 cup Raw Halved Pecans
1 cup of Pure Pumpkin
3 tsp Coconut Sugar
1 1/2 tbsp Coconut oil
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1. preheat your oven to 375*. One heated, roast your almonds and pecans for about 8-10 mins. Careful not to burn them. Let cool for 5 mins.
2. In a blender or food processor blend up the nuts until they are becoming gooey like a paste.
3. Add in the remainder of the ingredients, and blend until smooth. (about 2 mins or so)
4. throughly enjoy!