Why am I so stinkin' excited.. because I get to be with my sister, more family, and more friends. It will be SO good for my family to be closer to people our age. We'll have more support, more things to get involved with the schooling for my daughter will be WAY better and I'm totally looking forward to going to school, all kinds of different opportunities are waiting for us.
Why am I sad.. I'm leaving my mama. My mom is my VERY best friend. I hate hate HATE being away from her. I was so excited to be in Arizona because my mom was there, and its warm all the time ( the cold is NOT cold people! LOL ) I could hang out with my mom ever single day and NEVER get bored or sick of her. I'm sure she cant say the same, but I know she loves me dearly. The other part, is because my babies wont be around their mi mi! Plus I had some pretty amazing friends/neighbors who made a big impact on my life, and I hate saying goodbye. I think having been a military wife I learned to hate goodbyes.

Today was totally a crazy full moon day. The kids were wild and crazy and L.O.U.D. I am pretty sure I have at least 10 new gray hairs. The only things that were accomplished... cooking one big meal to last all day, and playing with trucks. I'm positive my husband has done 95% of the packing. BUT this one big meal I made... was pretty fan-freaking-tastic. Home-made chicken fried rice. It served my husband and I 2 meals each.

5 scrambled eggs
1/4 of each color bell peppers
2 medium carrots
1 head broccoli
3 chicken breasts (baked at 350* for about 30-40mins)
salt, pepper, garlic powder, and about 1-2 tbsp braggs liquid aminos
cook it all up, then sauté in olive oil and the braggs!
BIG NEWS! I got a NEW program to tackle! I cannot wait to start this bad boy. Not only have I never done it, ITS BRAND SPANKIN' NEW! I know its going to give me KILLER results and I can't wait to share them with you guys. And YES I will absolutely get going on a MEAL PLAN for this! EEK! Only one problem though! I do not want to do it alone! I need some buddies to do this with me. I need some MAJOR accountability! Want to do it with me? Let me know if you do, and we can get you set up, or you can go straight to it and get going, but BE SURE to send me a message to put you in my groups! :) depending on the pack you choose in the pic is some of the things you'll get.
Okay okay, i'll stop talking (typing) now. Get some sleep. eat well, sweat, repeat.
You are beautiful.
You are strong,
You are WORTH it!